Initiatief en leiderschap

Harderwijk, 29 augustus 2013. In deze blog ga ik in op wat Napoleon Hill schijft in zijn boek The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons over initiatief en leiderschap. Wat is initiatief eigenlijk? Hij beschrijft het als volgt: De juiste dingen doen zonder dat een ander je vraagt dat te doen. initiatief is de sleutel die deuren opent naar nieuwe mogelijkheden.

Hij adviseert ons de onderstaande beschrijving van initiatief en leiderschap op ons bureau te zetten en hem elke dag hardop te lezen tot we hem uit ons hoofd kennen.

Initiative and leadership

Having chosen a definite chief aim as my lifework I now understand it to be my duty to transform this purpose into reality.
Therefore I will form the habit of taking some definite action each day that will carry me one step nearer the attainment of my definite chief aim.
I know that procrastination is a deadly enemy of all who would become leaders in any undertaking, and I will eliminate this habit from my make-up by:

a. Doing some definite thing each day, that ought to be done, without anyone telling me to do it.

b. Looking around untill I find at least one thing that I can do each day, that I have not been in the habit of doing, and that will be of value to others, without expectation of pay.

c. Telling at least one other person each day,  of the value of practicing this habit of doing something that ought to be done, without being told to do so.

I can see that the muscels of the body  become strong in proportion to the extent to which they are used, therefore I understand that the habit of initiative is in the small, commonplace things connected with my daily work, therefore I will go at my work each day as if I were doing it solely for the purpose of developing this necessary habit of inititiave.
I understand that by practicing this habit of taking the inititiave in connection with my daily work I will not only developing that habit, but I will also be attracting the attention of those who will place greater value on my services as a result of this practice.

Volgende week scrhijf ik over verbeelding.




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